E-learning Platform
Platform of online training related to themes on adaptation to climate change in land and water management.
The idea of the e-training course (training for trainers) is to provide higher education students, young researchers and technicians, representatives of industries and other types of stakeholders at INRGREF, IRESA and partner stakeholders a platform of online training related to themes on adaptation to climate change in land and water management.
It is addressed to the growing community of interested people to get a wider application of knowledge, through FAS.
Expected participants are not necessarily required to be specialists on adaptation to climate change in land & water management, but might need to acquire a sound overview of land and water management related issues across their country.
1st Module: Capacity Building
This module contains courses aiming at boosting the research skills, internationalisation, innovation and leadership to improve research excellence, innovation capacity and scientific quality. The target audience of this module is related to academic profiles and decision-makers both engaged in managing research projects and strategies for boosting institutions’ position in the international research arena, as well as PhD students, researchers, professors or other profiles related to scientific production.
2nd Module: Applied land and water management
This module includes a selection of courses oriented at providing knowledge transfer on challenges related to climate change in the Mediterranean and adaptation measures for agriculture and crop production, water and soil management for FAs agents and practitioners, as well as young researchers.
3rd Module: Innovative Governance
This module includes courses and training materials oriented at clarifying new policy and governance approaches for adaptation, as well as emerging underlying concepts, such as adaptive management and related decision-making processes.
4th Module: Approaching Farmers
This module includes the training materials developed for strengthening the skills of FAS agents and practitioners from the sector in approaching farmers, with the goal to provide specific communication skills for improved transmission of knowledge, as well as providing advice regarding the communication of the Living Lab products.