Project Outcomes and Resources

Enhancing the potential of FASTER’s Capacity Building Initiatives: lessons learnt and future prospects 

[download English]

Over the three years of the project, global work has been done under the Capacity Building Pillar. The main goal obtained was increasing the level of human resource development and the potential of scientific staff within INRGREF, and therefore promoting research excellence. The impacts and achievements are substantial and include the quantitative results, conclusions and lessons learnt. Download the full document to know more. 

FASTER “Guidelines on Future Research” 

[download English]

The document has the objective to provide insights on the most interesting fields of research and guide future efforts towards the socio-economic objective of adapting to climate change.

Living Lab Knowledge Hub

Atlas for adaptation to climate change in Tunisian Agriculture: FASTER FAS Living Lab co-designed proposals

 [download English] [download French]

The impact of climate change seriously disrupts economic activities in both developed and developing countries. International collaboration, awareness-raising, use of new technologies, knowledge transfer and democratization of science are essential to face such challenges.

These concerns inspired the elaboration of this Atlas, the final significant milestone of the FASTER Living Lab. The document, addressing FAS agents and decision-makers, provides an overview of innovative solutions to climate change adaptation in several agricultural fields with the aim to boost the impact and implementation of this knowledge, especially in rural areas.