Navigating through FASTER E-Learning Platform

FASTER is implementing an E-learning Platform to achieve its mission to reinforce the research excellence and knowledge transfer capacity of INRGREF on innovative land and water management to mitigate climate change and foster its implementation through Farm Advisory Systems (FAS) among all the interested stakeholders.

The learners will have various courses covering different topics to improve their land and water management knowledge. They will also have access to classes given by experts in innovative governance excellence tools, capacity building and many more.

Frequent Questions and Answers:

Who can participate? 

FASTER courses are aimed at specialists on adaptation to climate change in land and water management and interested persons with knowledge of this issue across their country. 

The target includes FAS technicians, higher education students, young researchers and technicians, representatives of the agriculture industry and other types of stakeholders at INRGREF, IRESA and partner stakeholders.

What will I find on the platform? 

  1. Capacity building
    Content: boost the research skills, internationalisation, innovation and leadership to improve research excellence, innovation capacity and scientific quality. 
    Target: academic profiles and decision-makers both engaged in managing research projects and strategies for boosting institutions’ position in the international research arena, as well as PhD students, researchers, professors or other profiles related to scientific production.
  1. Applied land and water management
    Content: provide knowledge transfer on climate change challenges in the Mediterranean and adaptation measures for agriculture and crop production, water and soil management.
    Target: practitioners and young researchers.
  1. Innovative governance
    Content: clarify new policy and governance approaches for adaptation and emerge underlying concepts, such as adaptive management and related decision-making processes.
    Target: practitioners and FAS agents, researchers in all stages of their career and decision-makers, from public administration, NGOs, professional associations and communities.
  1. Approching farmers
    Content: training materials developed for strengthening FAS agents and practitioners’ skills from the sector in approaching farmers, providing specific communication skills for improved transmission of knowledge, and providing advice regarding the communication of the Living Lab products.
    Target: FAS agents and practitioners from the agricultural sector

What new skills will I acquire after completing the courses?

Upon completion of the courses, the participants will:

  • Get acquainted with all cross-cutting concepts crucial to many European calls and research environments
  • Get familiar with the EU concepts and principles of adaptation and the impact it has on water management policies in the Mediterranean region
  • Understand the importance of adequate land and water management in terms of efficiency and reduced cost in agriculture and industry sectors and in urban areas
  • Be aware of potential options, new technologies developed and research results for sustainable use and management of land and water
  • Be able to communicate their findings and acquired knowledge with farmers to promote climate adaptation

How can I use the platform? 

Participants can use the E-Learning platform from anywhere on any device! The learners will not need to download any specific programme or app. They will be requested to register, to keep then entering with their credentials. 

The first courses are now available on the E-Learning platform

 More information:

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