FASTER continued the first year of its Mobility Programme with two more staff exchanges at CREAF in July.
📅 15 July – 30 July 2019
📍 CREAF, Can Balasc (Spain)
With the objective to develop the necessary links to provide future research proposals, sharing of PhD students’ projects and co-authoring of academic publications, two researchers from the INRGREF had the opportunity to do short-term visits to CREAF.
July 15-30 2019: Dr. Kaouther Ben Yahia and Dr. Meriem Zouaoui Boutiti, Researchers from INRGREF

Dr Kaouther Ben Yahia and Dr Meriem Zouaoui Boutiti were hosted at the CREAF field station of Can Balasc.
During the exchange, they collaborated with Dr. Enrique Doblas and Dr. Pilar Andrés on soil organisms. They performed in situ soil biota extractions from microbiota to invertebrate extraction techniques and observations of soil micro and meso-organisms (bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa and micro-arthropods) in the laboratories of Can Balasc and the ones at CREAF headquarters.
Further, data analyses were suggested and potential collaborations and derived scientific papers were discussed.
Both visiting researchers were also invited to present their research in a special seminar session that attracted the attention of some CREAF members, which maintained interesting discussions. As a result of such event, a meeting with Dr Josep Maria Espelta, specialist in Mediterranean forest ecology, took place, and potential collaboration were proposed.

The hosting and visiting researchers were all delighted with this very positive experience. This type of mobility allows a very beneficial exchange of knowledge for both parties. The researchers have shown an enormous willingness to collaborate outside their country and a great motivation to improve research excellence!
The staff exchanges will continue in 2020 with a second year of the FASTER Mobility Programme.
What is the FASTER Mobility Programme ?
One of the main objectives of the project FASTER is to increase development of the human resources and build capacity of scientific staff within INRGREF on:
(1) adaptation to climate change in land and water management; and
(2) research skills, internationalisation, innovation and leadership to improve research excellence, innovation capacity and scientific quality of the institution.
To do so, The FASTER mobility programme aims to organise a minimum of nine visits by INRGREF staff and at least three PhD students to European collaborative centres, as co-directed by European institutions over three years. Short-term students and staff visits (1 week to 3 months) will take place under two different programmes, depending on the experience of the visitors.
Click here to learn more about the FASTER Mobility Programme
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