Yielding results from learnt skills at FASTER: the MEDLENTISK PROJECT

A case of success through our activities aimed at promoting Research Excellence

FASTER aims to reinforce research and knowledge transfer capacity of INRGREF related to innovative land and water management in view of climate change and its implementation through the use of Farm Advisory Systems (FAS) and networking among the region. One of the most effective ways to achieve this objective is through various activities and trainings offered to boost the development of the human resources and building capacity of scientific staff within INRGREF on relevant topics such as the adaptation to climate change in land and water management, research skills, internationalisation, innovation and leadership to improve research excellence, innovation capacity and scientific quality of the institution concerned.

This past year the world started a transformation process. However, FASTER managed to keep up with it, directing all its efforts in the evolution from face-to-face and onsite interactions, to virtual and online activities. This transition was hard, but the effort bore fruits and it resulted in a case of success for FASTER and everyone involved. More people were able to profit from these online activities and scientists from all around the Mediterranean region were able to connect and grow their network. Also, the digitalisation of the events and trainings enabled researchers to have more tools available to build scientific capacity and to share their knowledge among them.

A materialisation of all of this positive impact can be seen in the initiative of the MEDLENTISK project. It is a Mediterranean partnership to improve and exchange scientific and practical knowledge on lentisk tree oil. INRGREF, Boutheina Stiti and Faten Mezni -partner and researchers behind this outstanding proposal- have been actively involved in various FASTER’s activities, from where they have been able to share and exchange knowledge and tools, that have been then put into practice in this initiative. The objective of the MEDLENTISK project is to promote the exchange of good practices around the Mediterranean on the little-known lentisk tree and its vegetable oil.

In FASTER we believe that the yielding results of research excellence, farm advisory services and networking are key. Not only to become an internationally stronger and more capable centre, but also to be able to lead more competitive and sustainable research by inspiring experts to grow their own scientific skills that produce positive impact around them.

If you also want to exchange best practices and knowledge while growing your network, be sure to join us in any of our activities and events to promote research excellence.

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